if you somehow managed to get on this page and see this. no you didn't. i just needed a template for my reviews section so. sh.

game review [date]

intro to the thing

gravity rush is an RPG created by team siren, the developers behind the horror game siren.

an overview of the plot and mechanics

the game follows main character Kat who falls from the sky. you control her in a third person mode

opinions on the plot


opinions on the characters

syd is fantastic but i wish he was more present, which i feel about the other characters too. this is kats story, obviously, but its hard to see her connections to these characters other than literally viewing them as npcs

opinions on the mechanics

the combat is kind of boring but the flight and sense of exploration is sososo fun

opinions on the art

its gorgeous dude. like. lookit!


heres some cool concept art from the art book that i find fascinating.

the game shouldnt have been split into two

i may discuss the dlc 'raven's story' too

film + show reviews [date]

intro to the thing

the menu is a psychological thriller set in the modern day

an overview of the plot

the film follows the story of 6 groups of high elites as they have a fine dining experience on an off shore island

opinions on the plot

the humor of this film is just. chefs kiss

a wish

no notes

book reviews [date]


the song of achilles by madeline miller is a retelling of the classic story of achilles and patroclus initially written down by homer

overview of the plot

the story follows patroclus as he is outcasted from his home and grows with achilles, following their growing life leading up to and throughout the trojen war

opinons on the plot

yes. very good.

opinions on the characters

what can i say? theyre classic characters and miller has created a very well writting portrayal of them. escept for one girlie during the trojan war. it speaks to a gripe ive had with retellings of greek stories.


the book covers are pretty but some variations suck ass icl